Malaysian ze względu na jubileusz 100 dni w sieci wysłał newsletter:
With the great support of all the members of our company we are celebrating 100 Days online.
We thank to our investors and promoters for trusting us.
You will find, that many well-known monitoring services have already put
our project in the top position of their website and these are all
Only excellent project they recommend will be placed in a good position.
And the main, in order to celebrate this achievement, we will offer a high interest for 3 days (21-23th May)."
Program na razie działa baz zarzutu i pojawia się na kolejnych monitorach, ale nowe plany na bardzo krótki czas to zawsze czerwone światło w programie. Program mimo, że jest stabilny, płaci i nadal stara się rozwijać już przekroczył moment maksymalnego rozwoju.
Kolejny długi i interesujący newsletter wysłał też admin Financial:
"Dear Financial Freedom Members and Visitors,
We have been quite busy with implementing a chat module into the Financial Freedom site. It needs more testing, so if you see something strange going on the site, like chat randomly appearing and disappearing, please ignore that and excuse us if it causes any inconvenience. It is not yet usable and most of the time not available at all, but when it is ready, we will let you all know.
We are also abit late with updating our statistics page, but be just managed to update it. Also we uploaded a registration doc on the site, because we were asked to by some investors.
Good thing is, that our hosting provider made some planned upgrades on our Financial Freedom servers, which made the site to load even faster. Thanks guys. So if you have experienced any short downtimes during the passed week, that was the reason.
At the end of this week, we are going to move to a new office (if the new office will ever get ready for that). We are carefully planning to do the transition in a very smooth way, so noone experiences any technical difficulties. The actual transition is planned for the Saturday night. That’s why all withdrawals requested until Saturday afternoon will be processed at once, and then hopefully we will continue to send further payments from the new office on Sunday evening.
In the mean time you can read a new, professionally written review of Financial Freedom on
Are you tired of the complete lack of support from Liberty Reserve and the hell every time one has to experience when loggin in to their site? Well, I definitely am. Here’s a nice tool for the more technically savvy of you, that can make you browser remember your account and password for Liberty Reserve (and many other sites too, like EgoPay).
Create a new bookmark and in the field for the URL, enter the following (only the content BETWEEN the <– –>):
Go to the LR site, enter your account and password. Do NOT yet submit. Select the above bookmark. You will get a conformation message. Submit. Now the browser will ask you to remember the password. Do so. Next time you log in to LR, just click in the account field and it will enter it for you. It works at least in Firefox with private browsing off. You could also try Last Pass,, for similar functionality.
Good luck!
Russel Johnson
Financial Freedom
FinDom Capital Inc. "
Program rozwija się zgodnie z koncepcją admina wolnego zdobywania popularności. Plany inwestycyjne temu odpowiadają, gdyż program długo może żyć z wpłaconych depozytów, przy niższych planach. Financial zyskało w ostatnim miesiącu sporo miejsc w Alexa. Jak widać w programie stopniowo pojawiają się nowe funkcjonalności, jak teraz czat, a wcześniej procesor płatności EgoPay. Są to zdecydowanie dobre znaki.
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